Saturday, July 12, 2008

Galaxy Generator Released

The galaxy generator is released. There are quite a number of things I would like to add to it eventually, but I suppose I'm happy with the basic setup for now.


On a side note, I've turned off comment moderation but turned on the word completion box to prevent spamming.


Anonymous said...

I looked at the video. I'm sorry to say that you have incorrect physics with the particles. But the overall look is very good. They do indeed look like galaxies, they just don't movie like them.

The Yohkoh Legacy said...

This is made in Second Life and there are quite a lot of limitations on what can be done with particles. I am well aware that they don't act like real galaxies. In the information notecard that comes with it I do mention that I am not an astronomer, and that they do not represent a galaxy accurately. Perhaps I should edit my announcement post and state the same.