Wednesday, May 2, 2007

C:SI Politics and Policies Rant

Recently, someone opened a new sim for C:SI combat. They aren't selling their own weapon system. The sim is just there for dueling, mainly because another sim was closed for a while and the person opening wanted another alternate spot for sparring.

Apparently this is a big deal to the owner(s) of Samurai Island and Samurai Edo. The person who opened the new sim was banned from all of the C:SI owners' sims. Gasp! If they don't want their stuff working in other sims then they should restrict the scripts to work only in certain regions (which subsequently would cut their business in half or more).

What in the world is wrong with someone spending their own money to open a sim for C:SI combat? Do they really expect people to be content going to Edo? It's *always* laggy, and sometimes the people there can be very annoying.

Another note about Edo is they are hiring security, and so far the person hired I would not trust at all with any amount of responsibility.

And what of Shrouded Isle? Are Alyssa and Jed going to get banned from Edo and related places for owning a sim initially based around the C:SI combat system?

There has to be more behind this. I really would think they would welcome another sim simply for the free advertising.

More on this later I guess.


Unknown said...

The problem was unlike shrouded this sim used our trademark name in their land title, associating themselves to us as a "brand", sorry if this seems petty but we try to keep a certain level of quality and style that is our own, we don't like other people associating themselves to us like that, its caused problem before.
I'm sure you might think of some people who are an example of this.

The second problem was that they did not come to us when building this sim, they didn't get our blessing or anything, again unlike shrouded.

The third, a chat log revealed the owner of the sims intention to directly compete with SI and shrouded for traffic.
To many of the staff this was unacceptable.

The Yohkoh Legacy said...

I can understand certain points of view from boths sides on this one, but I don't think the situation was handled very well.

I might be missing some vital bit of information or understanding, but I really can't see a problem with something that would cause more exposure to the products and result in more sales overall.