Monday, September 24, 2007

Ice Cave

I just uploaded some snapshots of the ice cave I've been working on as a sculptie learning project. Here is a link. The sun is set to midnight and I have the RenderGlow option in Debug settings enabled.

Let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

Nicely done! I like the look, and ice seems to be a particularly good subject for sculpties. I particularly like the rocks and texturing in "Eyana's Ice Cave 01", and the ice throne looks pretty cool too :)

If I could get in-world for more than 5 minutes at a time I would love to see this "in person".

The Yohkoh Legacy said...

Oh, here's the SLURL:

Anonymous said...

Woot! I think this weekend I'm going to set up a boot partition for Ubuntu, maybe then I can get in-world and check it out. I've been messing with sculpties too, but I have nothing cool to show for it yet, unlike you :P