Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Windlight Firstlook

The Windlight Firstlook is available. I'm testing it out currently and I am having mixed feelings which mostly lean towards extremely displeased. The environment looks great. The shading on prims looks fine.

Avatars look awful.



Any type of shading or shadow on any avatar for me looks awful. It's like the shading is not blending at all. Ugly lines going across the avatar. It's like doing a gradient with only eight colors.

I updated my video card drivers. I tried all kinds of settings. If I turn off all the shaders I have no problem, but then it looks worse than it does in the old client.


I was really, really looking forward to Windlight and now that I can't use it without grimacing whenever I see a person while nobody else seems to be having this problem is kind of upsetting. The environments looked really nice. The reflections were nice. Everything was nice and smooth on pretty high settings, but no matter what the avatars looked so poorly shaded.

I posted on the SL forums, so maybe someone can help me.

edit: of course jira is not loading in my browser either.


Colin said...

Kasumi was complaining about this too. My theory is that the skins already have lighting/shading built into their textures (because the lighting in SL was crap before), so now the lighting that SL is doing is being added to what's already there, which is causing it to look weird. That's just a guess, though.

The Yohkoh Legacy said...

I'm pretty sure it's a shader problem. Everything else looks shaded nicely and the skin by itself is very very smooth. This is consistent across avatars too, so everyone's skin looks like this, and so do clothes.

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